August 2019

Welcome to August edition of the Central Coast Region Newsletter.

This edition went out to all Adult Members and Rover Scouts with an email address registered in SMS but is available to anyone via the region website. If you know someone that should be receiving this, send them the email and they can register at the following link.

Dougal McWhinney
Region Commissioner (Central Coast Region)
0417 462 463

Activities in the Region

ScoutFest 2019
Hibiscus Coast District held "ScoutFest" at Rowallan Park this year and it was very successful. The local newspaper had a great write up and is available here. Congratulations to the ScoutFest committee!

Port Curtis Joey Jaunt
Port Curtis District held their 2nd annual Joey Jaunt at Lake Awoonga at the beginning of August. Joey Scouts from all the groups in the district attended and everyone had a great time. Well done to the organisers and the leaders attending.

2019 Adult Recognition Awards

Adult Recognition Awards for especially good service to the Association are made to persons who have given especially valuable service over a considerable period.

Awards are granted for good service beyond the level of service normally expected of a person in carrying out the responsibilities of the appointment or position held as well as carrying out those duties to a high standard.

A distinctive pin for wearing in civilian dress is issued together with the first Award presented. This is a silver lapel badge based on the national logo.

The full list can be found on the Scouts Queensland website here and the full national list here

Congratulations to the following Adult Award recipients in our Region.

Rover Scout Service Award
* Blake Bath - Rover Scout - Mackay City Central Scout Group
* Harry Roestenburg - Rover Advisor (past) - Mackay City Central Scout Group

Wood Badges / Certificates Issued

Congratulations to the following leaders that were recently issued their Wood Badge.

* Rebecca Johnson Joey Scout Leader Banksia Scout Group
* Brett Green Venturer Scout leader Calliope Scout Group
* Stefan Grey Venturer Scout leader Calliope Scout Group

EOI: Vacant Positions

There are some fantastic Volunteer Positions in the region. The following positions are vacant across the region.


* Region Treasurer

If you have a position you would like to advertise, let me know.

Want to talk to the RC?

If you have something you would like to discuss, don't forget to use the line system (talk to your team leader).
However, I am happy to be contacted should you wish to discuss Scouting process, procedures and innovative ideas.

Dougal McWhinney
Region Commissioner (Central Coast Region)
0417 462 463

Training Dates

The following Training Courses are coming up in our Region:

* 15 Sep - Venturer Unit Management Course (Banksia Scout Den - Mackay)
* 20-22 Sep - Venturer Leadership Course (Lake Awoonga - Gladstone)
* 23-26 Sep - Sea Kayaking L1 (Yeppoon Scout Den)
* 25-27 Oct - Basic Outdoor Skils (Rowallan Park - Mackay)

Refer to the Branch Training Calender (link below) for further detail on the course and when applications close (normally 3 weeks prior to course date).

You are receiving this as a registered Adult Member in the Central Coast Region.
Should you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, click on the "change your subscription" below.

Copyright © 2019, Scouts Australia, Queensland Branch Inc, Central Coast Region.

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